Friday, June 8, 2007


Grrrrr! My sisters make me so angry. Its so hard to live with 3 younger sisters. They are ALWAYS fighting. I mean even as I type they are fighting , its so bleeping frustrating! They fight over what they want to watch on TV and who gets to go on the computer. They are always lazing around and they won't do their bleeping chores. They piss me off so much! Makes me want to beat something up. I just really want to scream my frustration right now but if I did my mom or my neighbors would send me to a stupid psychiatrist or some such. Oh and I'd like to thank Nudge.::.Twin for the advice. I didn't think anybody would actually read anything that would be posted here. Um.. and I apologize if my post is too whiny. I just needed to vent a little.

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